MRA in action in India and Ceylon
This film also exists in:
[No viewable video. See the details sidebar to find out where physical copies or originals can be found.]
GERMAN COPY OF THE FILM WAS NOT DIGITIZED. CAN BE FOUND AT THE VAUD CANTONAL ARCHIVES (CH). Documentary about the action of MRA in India and other neighbouring regions, such as Ceylon and Nagaland. Diverse people are interviewed, as Rajmohan Gandhi (much material in sync), diverse official people incl. former Members of Parliament and governors, students, family members and Niketu Iralu, who all speak about the influence of MRA in their lives or in their areas.
Film language
Original title
Year of release
Film length
Film type
Production company
MRA Productions
Location of original cut
Copyright holder
Publishing permission
Publishing permission refers to the rights of FANW to publish the full video content of this film on this website.