تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Caux meeting, 03 August 1954

Lotty Van Beuningen part 2

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Lotty Van Beuningen speaking at Caux 1954-08-03, part 2. Click here to go to part 1.

Part1: "priviledged to have travelled in Asia and Africa. The Africans understand immediately what God's thoughts can be. Guidance is obvious for them. Going to Rhdesia, she felt the Duch people should pay for a plane to take the group there, as Holland is also a coloniser. Thought they should have an inter-racial Christmas party . Sent invitations for 200 people. Hard to find a hall as noone wanted to have a party for black and whites. Finally the Jewish Rabbi accepted. Wanted to have turkeys and chickens, But none left in the shops. Found a gruffy farmer. Who would not believe in change. Gave 2 chickens and 2 turkeys. Found another farm where they had turkeys and chickens but had to get them themselves.  Also went to Nigeria."

Part 2: "Continues. Visiting the Emir of Kano, giving the play as well."

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