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Cape Times

Daily newspaper in Cape Town, South Africa
لا يوجد وصف كامل أو معلومات أخرى متاحة حتى الآن. إذا كانت لديك معلومات حول هذا الموضوع ترغب في مشاركتها معنا ، فيرجى استخدام زر التعليقات للقيام بذلك. شكرا لك!
Major Stephen Foot takes the part of the employer in labour-management play.
Major Stephen Foot plays employer in labour-management play.
'Music at Midnight' plays to large audiences in four cities in South Africa.
'Our main objective is to give an answer to the material ideologies that are trying to conquer the world.
'Our main objective is to give democracy a Christian ideology - an answer to materialistic ideologies,' said Bremer Hofmeyr.
"Perhaps your readers could be helped to get facts about the movement in true perspective," wrote F.X. Jurgens to the Editor.
Contributions, financially and in kind, have helped Springbok Stampede keep going.
Two thousand people hear appeal in Cape Town City Hall.
Psychologist and guidance counseller, Dr Adriaan Smuts, addressed Springbok Stampede on subject 'Our role in tomorrow's Africa.'
South African farmer apologizes to his workers.


South Africa