تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Caux meeting, 13 August 1954

Frank Buchman leads the meeting. Introduces several speakers from India. The Colwell brothers sing.
Person(s) in this recording
فرانك بكمان, Colwell brothers, Morris Martin
Mahendra Talwar; Mrs Talwar; Satish Mehta; Nariman Bugwadia;

unknown Unidentified Man, UK, Sorry to see a couple go. Came for 3 days; stayed for 3 weeks; Mahendra Talwar, India, Here lots of food; but good food for thought as well; MrsTalwar, India, Wife of above; Frank Buchman, USA, various; Satish Mehta, India, from Delhi. Was given a mirror showing something very grotesque. Thought it was a Swiss mirror; not an Indian one! ; Nariman Bugwadia, India, Vice president of the bank employees. Surrenders himself to the Almighty. Member of the Socialist party. Either I sacrifice my selfishness for the sake of my nation; or I sacrifice my nation for the sake of my selfishness; Frank Buchman, USA, ; Colwell brothers, USA, sing "Look at what one man can do"; Colwell brothers, USA, sing "Close the Back door" telling how small changes can be difficult; Frank Buchman, USA, introduces the following speaker. She visits homes in her street constantly. What would happen if everyone visited a home a week?


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لغة الصوت


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يعود إذن النشر إلى حقوق FANW في نشر التسجيل الصوتي الكامل لهذا الموضوع على هذا الموقع.