تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Caux meeting, 13 August 1954

Frank Buchman leads the meeting. Focus on Iran, with Dr Hazeghi main speaker.
Person(s) in this recording

Leland Holland, sings "Calling the heart" Frank Buchman, USA, comments. Introduces Dr Hazeghi; 3 times in the Parliament of his country; Persia/Iran. Met with the US Ambassador who offered to give visas to any number who should go to his country. Buchman said 50 people; Dr A.F. Hazeghi, Iran, 3 times leader of Haj pilgrimage to Mecca . Speaks of the age of ideologies, all based on materialism; Dr A.F. Hazeghi, Iran, Thanks to MRA, a conflict between the petrol consortium and the government was solved. Iran's foreign minister wants to make MRA the ideology of the nation; Frank Salisbury, UK, evening meeting. Tells about the family evenings at home. Met Buchman 16 years before.

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يعود إذن النشر إلى حقوق FANW في نشر التسجيل الصوتي الكامل لهذا الموضوع على هذا الموقع.