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René Jacot

Former receptionist, interpreter, consultant and language expert in Caux

هذه الصفحة موجودة في:

In Caux, René made his knowledge available wherever the greatest needs arose, whether at the reception desk, at the cash desk or as an interpreter in the booths provided for this purpose. When "Caux-Information" was taken over by younger editors, René was on hand as a consultant and language expert .

His profound experience of faith also had practical consequences. When he and his wife wanted to sell their house in Zurich, they could have asked any price. But they were also convinced that they could ensure that the faithful former tenants could continue to live in the house. Eventually, they found a buyer who agreed to maintain the existing rental conditions, but this meant a substantial reduction in the sale price;

On another occasion, René's help and availability were welcome in a funny situation: At the request of the Municipality of Montreux, where Mountain House was put at the disposal of an international Rotary meeting as a hotel garni. René was in charge of the reception.  René also wanted to help out once by pouring the tea and coffee. He was given a series of tables where there were Japanese people. One of the guests was so struck by his courteous and distinguished behaviour that he dared to ask if René was a waiter by trade. When a Japanese man learned that he was being served by a former postmaster, the news spread like wildfire to all the tables. The interest of Caux in such an engagement increased considerably.

In the guest book of his friends Hunziker in Feldbach, he wrote two years ago: "Life is also full of surprises in old age, the ramifications of the soul well ordered in a small basket can decide health and illness. It also takes a little courage".

He has shown this courage and people were reassured that in spirit he will continue to accompany them all.

He died in 1996.
