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Vreni Gonzenbach

Smiler and confident person

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Vreni Gonzenbach was born in1908 and she was a person who liked to impose and endear personnality. She met Maya Fiaux and others in Caux who became close friends. In 2008 her 100th birthday was the subject of an article in Zig Zag written by Hanni Häberli.

Vreni passed away peacefully on February 19, 2010, shortly after her 102nd birthday. There is much more to be said about such a rich life, and on March 17, the Ulster Anzeiger published an article about her, the last paragraph of which said: "She kept her critical mind alive, her beautiful smile and her confidence until the end. Even on the last day of a long life, she still had a moment of silence, as she had learned in Caux."
