تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

IofC Global Hoho (meeting), January 2002

Endorsed vigorous dialogues between Muslims and non-Muslims


a. 200 at its peak from 35 countries

b. primarily a time of deep sharing and finding community

c. Decision of Africans to launch continent wide Clean Elections Campaign

d. Conviction to make tackling root causes of poverty and inequality a priority

e. Launched day of “Open Homes, listening hearts’ worldwide (This idea never resonated 

with US or with many others, and died after one effort)

f. Various thoughts about how to support those we know in Afghanistan (This too lacked 

specificity and no efforts made to raise funds to scale up efforts,)

g. Creating Asia Plateau community of 15-25 people

h. Valuable exchange after initiated by Rob questioning whether anything very specific 

emerged. Mike responded that too few of those responsible for “Named Programs” were 

present. So gathering catered to needs of varied, disconnected individuals, some who 

lacked any real focus.

i. 8 pages of ‘burning issues’ listed in separate document afterwards

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سنة المقال
إذن النشر
يعود إذن النشر إلى حقوق FANW في نشر النص الكامل لهذه المقالة على هذا الموقع.