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The Muslim Mind - First ed. without full text

Muslims speak from the heart about what they believe and how they live

This book provides a clear introductory explanation of Islam, especially but not exclusively presented for non-Muslims. It includes much material from personal interviews and correspondence with ordinary Muslims, as well as with Muslim scholars.

The latest estimate of the numbers who profess Islam is over 900,000,000. Those who gather at Mecca each year include rulers, diplomats, businessmen and educators who play a responsible part in many of the vital negotiations of the day. This book allows them to speak for themselves.

By copious quotations from Islamic literature, from modern Islamic writing and from personal interviews Doctor Waddy has compiled a symposium of Muslim attitudes and thought, especially on topics of immediate importance, from family life to international agreement. The book is a singularly lucid exposition of the Muslim mind today.

Charis Waddy was born in Australia, grew up in Jerusalem in the years that followed the First World War, and was the first woman to study Arabic at Oxford.

She is the author of Women in Muslim History, Baalbek Caravans, and of many articles on the contemporary Middle East. Herself a Christian, she believes that the West may have much to learn from Islam, and that many will find enrichment in the effort to understand it.

No full text available here. For full text, see 1990 edition: /words/muslim-mind-1990-edition