A newspaper produced by Trade Unionists in the UK
This newspaper was produced from from 1961 till 2007. It was aimed at working people and trade unionists.
Below is one edition of the newspaper in PDF format.
For a list of articles from the Pioneer on this website, please look below the PDF.
Liverpool trade unionist John Hancock found a different "battlefield".
Philip Qipu Vundla: black agitator who found a new way that worked
Bill Miller: "a first-class engineer who introduced quality control into human relationships."
Adam Smith: patron saint of free enterprise - or the protector of privilege?
Robert Carmichael, President of the French jute industry, worked for a fair deal for suppliers in poor countries
John Nowell opened the books of his firm for union scrutiny.
Trade unionist Bert Allen: fight for "not who is right, but what’s right".
Lech Walesa led the Polish people to freedom.
Jim Beggs of the Melbourne Branch of the Waterside Workers of Australia
John Riffe, US Steelworkers' leader who found the key to changing the deep motives of his colleagues and the employers.
Dr Narayanan believed that trade unions have a major role in uniting the world.
Hans Böckler, leader of the metalworkers union and one of the architects of the post-war German economic recovery.
You can always find the carpenter in his shop. lt is never closed.
The story of the father of British Socialism, Robert Owen
A case study in management-labour relations from Ford in the UK
Everyone enjoys the signs of the ‘little man’ standing up to the big fellows – and winning. Satya Banerji was such a man.
The story of Maurice Mercier, the French textile workers’ leader who could rouse an audience with his fiery intensity..
Frits Philips, founder of Philips Electrical
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