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Jérémie Hakizimana

Young Burundian leader committed to peacebuilding

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Jérémie Hakizimana was a member of a rebellion called PALIPEHUTU-FNL (Party for the Liberation of the Hutu People-National Liberation Forces). He was a child soldier but, in 2008, after the end of the war, he was able to continue his studies properly. He graduated from university in 2016 in Health Sciences.

Since 2010, he has known Initiatives of Change Burundi Tugenderubuntu where he has been a volunteer for several years. He has partially carried out certain voluntary activities within Initiatives of Change International such as:

  • In 2013, he was among the organizers of the Fourth East Africa Youth Forum
  • In 2014 he held a volunteer position with Initiatives of Change International as Partnerships Assistant

He has been trained especially in:

  • Circle of Peace by Women Artisans of Peace
  • Qualities and Strategies of a Peacemaker by Initiatives of Change United Kingdom
  • Learning to be a Peacemaker by Initiatives of Change International
  • Peacebuilding mentors training by Initiatives of Change International
  • Leadership, good governance and non-violent communication by Initiatives of change International
  • In order to help other young victims of repetitive political crises, he had an idea to bring together these young people from different political parties and apolitical, in a self-development cooperative called: HAGURUKA DUKORE (means: WAKE UP AND WORK). This cooperative is recognized by Burundian law.