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Iris Kunz Aegler (XXXX-2008)

Tribute to Iris Kunz Aegler

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Iris Kunz-Aegler

On October 17, in the beautiful church of Münchenstein, we said goodbye to Iris Kunz-Aegler, who had been beaten by cancer.

Iris collaborated in the work of Caux in England, in Geneva, among others. It was in Paris, where she accompanied the Mat Manson family, as I recall, that my friendship with her began.

Iris returned to Basel for family reasons and got the job of social worker for foreign students at the university, thanks to her open-mindedness and her amazing gift for languages.

In 1965, Iris married our friend Alfred Kunz, a pastor in Basel. I witnessed their wedding at the Basel town hall and church and saw the birth of three children, including Theres, my dear goddaughter.

When Fred Kunz was awarded an honorary doctorate by the theological faculty of the University of Basel for his outstanding social work in that city, he said, "I'll take the honoris, but the causa is for my wife." That sums up the great help Iris gave her husband in his many activities. She was also a devoted wife, mother and hostess who will not be forgotten by her husband, children, four grandchildren and friends.

Christiane Martin

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