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Caux meeting, 03 August 1958

Person(s) in this recording
Erich Peyer; Arjo Piereno; Frits Philips; Louis Bergouignan; Angelo Passetto

Erich Peyer, CHE, Leading; Arjo Piereno, IDN, Leader of youth organisation with 2 millions people. Unity; wont speak about it if I don't start having it with my wife. Meaning of leadership. I have used my position for my personal interests. To lead is to serve; Arjo Piereno, IDN, End. ; Frits Philips, Neths, problems because of resentments between people. Narional duty to fight for solution to our national problems. Grateful to have met the friend from Indonesia; Louis Bergouignan, France, President of surgeons of France. Could not sleep because of the message of Freedom which he had seen. Wisdom and message of unity. Lost feeling of superiority towards Africans. Changed to feeling of inferiority. Apologize to all Africans present. Need to show Freedom in Arabic with humble Europeans . My wife and I will do that during our holiday. Lived in North Africa; Angelo Passetto, ITA, Used to write songs for the communists. Had aversion against all capitalists. But those who come to Caux are different. Fought the Fascists and the Nazi. In order to be free.

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El permiso de publicación se refiere a los derechos de FANW para publicar la grabación de audio completa de este tema en este sitio web.