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Caux meeting, 01 January 1939

Person(s) in this recording
unknown Commentator; George Eastman; Sven Stolpe; unknown Unidentified man; Rufus Brett; Harry Truman; Frank Buchman; Bunny Austin; John Ramsey; Gertrude Ramsey

unknown Commentator, USA, New Men; New Nations; A New World. MRA's first year was celebrated in Constitution Hall; George Eastman, USA, reads message from industrialists in UK.We need moral courage to put in action thoses things we know to be true; Sven Stolpe, S, Author Unemployment in Sweden has been solved; unknown Unidentified man, Bulgaria, experience; Rufus Brett, UK, farmer. ; Harry Truman, USA, senator; reads message from Roosevelt; Frank Buchman, USA, message; unknown Commentator, USA, linterviews; unknown Commentator, USA, interviews; Bunny Austin, UK, Last war should have been a war to end war. Debt we owe our parents who have sacrified. A new united happier world; John Ramsey, USA, Steel worker; Gertrude Ramsey, USA, Need to make my home a pattern for the nation. We begin each day by listening to God; George Eastman, USA, Employer. Found a new relationship in his family; Frank Buchman, USA, Prepare for the Armistice week-end

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El permiso de publicación se refiere a los derechos de FANW para publicar la grabación de audio completa de este tema en este sitio web.
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Permiso de publicación
El permiso de publicación se refiere a los derechos de FANW para publicar la grabación de audio completa de este tema en este sitio web.