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Meeting with Frank Buchman at Mackinac Island. On stage in front row, l- r: Bremer Hofmeyr, Manasseh Moerane, South Africa; Rajmohan Gandhi, India; Archie Mackenzie, Scotland.
Dr Frank Buchman and George Golding, President of the Coloured People's National Union, South Africa, welcomes Lakshmi Gandhi and the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, Gopal Gandhi to London.
Member of Parliament, Blaar Coetzee, South Africa, (right).
Kenyan Stanley Kinga in Mountain House, Switzerland. He planned the death of Gray Leakey, father of Agnes Hofmeyr, as a human sacrifice to placate the gods of Mau Mau.
Moral Re-Armament team visit Jomo Kenyatta's Teacher's Training College at Githunguri, Kenya