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David Jolly and Jerry Nelson spraying green paint to make the earth match the surrounding grass for the scene on the lake shore.
Marion Anderson one of the film directors. Right: Peter Sisam
Lloyd Nolan speaks after the premiere of the film in new York
Dr Thelma George, United States delegate to the United Nations speaks at the reception following the premiere of the "Crowning Experience"
Mr and Mrs Charles Coburn and Spring Byington meet Chief David Crowchild
At the premiere of the film in Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios receives Muriel Smith and Ann Buckles, who play the main parts in the film, and May Bladeck, Ruhr miner
Smith and Buckles with Mr. Crosti, General manager of the Snia-Viscosa Fabrics Combine.
Prime Minister U Nu, from Burma attended a performance of the musical in Helsinki. That was part of the World Mission.
Finland's President, Juho Kusti Passikivi and Mrs Passikivi attend the Finnish premiere of "The Vanishing Island".
The Prime Minister of Thailand, Field marshal Pibulsonggram introduces the premiere of "The Vanishing Island" at the theatre in the Department of Culture in Bangkok. July 1955
The Prime Minister and other Government and diplomatic leaders were among the 2'500 people who were present at the Karachi premiere of the musical.