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Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Cabinet attend showing of film "Freedom"
Prime Minister, Patrice Lumumba of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Cabinet attend showing of film "Freedom".
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Cast of play "The Next Phase" visits Caux, Switzerland.
<p>In the play "The Next Phase" written by six Ghanaian MPs, Africa speaks to the world. The cast includes three Nigerian members of parliament, a cabinet minister and member of parliament of th...
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Frank Buchman with West African delegation at Caux, Switzerland
Frank Buchman with West African delegation at Caux, Switzerland.
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Former Swiss Chancellor, Dr Oskar Leimgruber, attends Caux conference
Former Swiss Chancellor, Dr Oskar Leimgruber, (front row) attends Caux conference, Switzerland
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Frank Buchman, Dr Oskar Leimgruber and African conference delegate at Caux
Frank Buchman, Dr Oskar Leimgruber and African conference delegate at Caux, Switzerland.
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Mayor of Delft, Netherlands, Prof H.B. Dorgelo and his wife present Delft plate to Dr Buchman
<p>Mayor of Delft, Netherlands, Prof H.B. Dorgelo and his wife present Delft blue plate to Dr Buchman, commemorating the 'historic visit' to Delft by a German cast of MRA play. The inscription o...