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Group photo
Konrad Adenauer, Japanese delegation, B&W portrait photo
Konrad Adenauer with Japanese delegation
Group photo
Sibnath Banerjee, Oscar Leimgruber,Kim Beazley having tea
Dr. Oscar Leimgruber, formerChancellor of the Swiss Confederation, (Centre), joins Mr.Sibnath Banerjee, (Left) Former President, Indian Hind Mazdoor Sabha, (Socialist Trade Unions), and Mr. Kim Beazle...
Group photo
Rev. Victor Whitsey, Kim Beazley & Mr. Goodlad
Left to Right, Rev.Victor Whitsey Archbishop of Chester, Kim Beazley M.P, Mr. Goodlad M.P for Northwich
Group photo
James Dickson,Eugene Claudius Petit, Theodor Oberlander,Urho Kahonen, Tom Oswald,Kurt Schoch,G.G.R. Schmal,Ole Bjorn Kraft, Senator Vigiani,B&W portrait photo
(left to right, standing) James Dickson, MP and Chamberlain to HM the King of Sweden, Eugene Claudius Petit, for many years French Minister of Reconstruction, Prof. Theodor Oberlander, German Federal ...
Group photo
(L to R) John Craig, Pierre Sailly, Francois Ceyrac
Left to right John Craig, Pierre Sailly, Francois Ceyrac attending meeting
Group photo
A.R.K. Mackenzie, Juary Tavora,Rajmohan Gandhi, B&W portrait photo
Marshal Juary Tavora (Brazil) A.R.K. MacKenzie, Raj. Gandhi
Group photo
Rajmohan Gandhi, General Inoue, B&W portrait photo
After a reception by Calicut Municipal Council, Rajmohan Gandhi (centre) leads the MRA procession past a statue of his grandfather, Mahatma Gandhi(upper left) to an MRA mass demonstration. Marching wi...
Group photo
Antigone Christodoulides, Neophytos Christodoulides, B&W portrait photo
Antigone Christodoulides, Neophytos Christodoulides
Group photo
Paul Chaudet, H.V. von Erlach, B&W portrait photo
Paul Chaudet, President of Suisse Confederation, attending meeting in Caux. On his left Brig. Von Erlach
Portrait photo
Charlotte van Beuningen portrait, B&W portrait photo
Charlotte van Beuningen portrait