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Portrait photo
Loudon Hamilton Portrait Photo
Founder member of the Oxford Group, close friend of Frank Buchman
Portrait photo
Lily Ziegler Portrait Photo
From a meeting in the "comptoir suisse". One of the pioneers of the Oxford Group in Switzerland
Portrait photo
Daniel Mottu Portrait Photo
One of the those responsible for Caux and IofC. Spent a lot of time in Latin America, Many years president of the Swiss foundation, in charge of Caux
Activity photo
Neophytos Christodoulides & Person Unknown ActivityPhoto
Mediterranean dialogue, Cypriots and Lebanese
Portrait photo
Paul Campbell, Mackinac Island, 1940s, B&W portrait photo
Paul Campbell coming out of either Island House or the MRA Medical Centre holding his medical bag.
Activity photo
Portrait photo
Anthony Duigan, reflections
Anthony Duigan, reflecting in one of the many secluded spaces on their farm, Waaigras, in South Africa.
Group photo
Jean Daetwyler conducting the "Oratorio for our Time" in the Caux theatre
Jean Daetwyler conducting the "Oratorio for our time" in the Caux theatre.