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Group photo
Fon of Bali, Sir Roy Pinsent and Orodje of Okpe
<p>The Fon of Bali, one of the rulers of Eastern Nigeria with Sir Roy Pinsent and Orodje of Okope, from Western Nigeria, cut a birthday cake inscribed; "Africa Speaks To The World" in celebration of D...
Group photo
Prime Minister Tage Erlander of Sweden meets with Bremer Hofmeyr and Manasseh Moerane of South Africa
Prime Minister Tage Erlander of Sweden meets with Bremer Hofmeyr and Manasseh Moerane from South Africa
Group photo
Cast of play "The Next Phase" visits Caux, Switzerland.
<p>The play, 'The Next Phase' written by six Members of Parliament from Ghana, speaks to the world. The cast includes three Nigerian Members of Parliament, a Cabinet Minister and Member of Parli...
Group photo
Sami people and Africans meet in Kiruna, north of the Arctic Circle
<p>Sami people meet Africans John Amata, President of the Nigerian Students Association(left in the background) , Manasseh Moerane,-President of the South African Teachers Association and Modesto Apal...