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Africa - Challenge and Hope

Report on a seminar in Zimbabwe in 1982

A five-day International Seminar for Africa, initiated by Moral Re-Armament, was held at the University of Zimbabwe in February 1982.

Its theme was Africa - continent of challenge, continent of hope. The invitation read:

Africa can be proud of her achievements. The last decades have seen much progress and development in the face of great difficulties. And the healing spirit of Africa has been demonstrated in countries where former enemies are now working together.

Yet poverty, exploitation and injustice still make misery of the lives of millions across the continent.

Can the 1980s see our people breaking the grip of these evils? Will we care enough to accept this challenge?

In this decade can we see Africa patterning fresh structures and pioneering new ways, beyond the materialist doctrines of the East, and the materialist practices of the West?

Such an Africa will demonstrate the power of change and reconciliation to unite people of different sides in creating an unselfish society. Such an Africa will give hope to a divided world.

Delegates came from Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and from all over Zimbabwe. Smaller groups came from Asia, Europe, North and South America.

Moral Re-Armament
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Moral Re-Armament
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