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F.B. Meyer

Frederick Brotherton Meyer was an English Baptist evangelist who was one of the pioneers of inner-city missions work. He was an associate and friend of Dwight L Moody in the so-called Keswick movement. Both men influenced the thinking of Frank Buchman

In ‘Streams’, Mark Guldseth describes how Meyer visited Buchman when he was at Penn State College and encouraged him to set aside adequate time to listen for guidance each morning. He also suggested that Buchman should prioritize winning students one by one rather than organising large meetings (see pp 90-91). This advice impacted Buchman’s approach throughout the rest of his life.

Even today, nearly a century after his death, Meyer’s work ‘The Secret of Guidance’ is a valued study of how one can discern God’s will for ones life. It can be read, for example, at


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