The Voters Who Won't Stand for Corruption
Highlights in this issue are the profile of Letlapa Mpahlele, the South African director of operations of the PAC armed wing, who came face to face with the mother of a young victim whose shooting he had ordered. The Lead article tells the story of the Clean Election Campaign in Taiwan and the FAC Essay is about the importance of parenting. In Bookmark Pierre Spoerri reviews a book of Karen Armstrong in a key issue of our age: religious fundamentalism.
Citizens' movements have played an important part in cleaning up general elections in several countries.
Prof Richard Whitfield argues that we must get our relationships right if we are to give the next generation a fair chance.
Word-Blind (En)
Einar Engebretsen drove his teachers to despair. 30 years later he discovered why.
The people of Lithuania, the biggest of the three Baltic states, are the first former Soviet subjects to vote to join the Europe
Непоколебимая преданность своим идеалам заставляла это Дитя Почвы идти в те сферы, от которых большинство людей отвернулись бы.
إن الالتزام الذي لا يتزعزع بمُثُله قاد طفل التربة هذا إلى المناطق التي يبتعد عنها معظم الناس.
释放雷霆之手 (En)
雷を放った手 (En)