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Moving Forward to Basics

A Report from the Keswick to Caux Journey, June 17th-July 9th, 2008

17 people took part in a three week journey from Keswick, UK, where Frank Buchman had his initial 'change' experience in 1908, via Visby, Sweden, where he gave one of his most well known speeches, to Caux in Switzerland.

This report gives personal reflections from each of the participants.

Chris Breitenberg summarises:  "Each individual on the Keswick to Caux trip had experiences as diverse as their character, culture and stage in life. Their personal thoughts are what follows in this report, each voice drawing on the many gems of experience and insight that filled our journey. Despite their differences, they are all stories of change - the common thread that addresses the needs in our lives, the lofC network and the world we seek to engage. The trip was an opportunity to move forward to basics:  Reflecting on the past, manifesting those truths by changing the present and looking ahead with a solid foundation and world to serve."

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L'autorisation de publication fait référence aux droits de la FANW de publier le texte intégral de cet article sur ce site web.