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Eastern Province Herald

Daily newspaper, South Africa
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Theatre production by Alan Thornhill dramatised an inspired ideology for democracy.
Karroo sheep farmer, Roland Kingwill, believes 'you can make plans on paper but you have to build them out of people.'
What kind of change and how can it be brought about?
The way to happiness in the home and in industry can be gained through mutual respect, tolerance and understanding.
Mr W. Farrer Vickers, British Industrialist, speaks to South Africa
Mr Farrer Vickers, British industrialist said, "Britain is fighting successfully to a new economic stability and new nationhood"
Team of ten from five nationalties to follow-up on 'The Forgotten Factor' performances in Eastern Cape city of Port Elizabeth.
"Nkosi Sikelel i-Afrika" sung for first time in international conference by chorus of 10 nations.
'We want industry to help in conquering rival ideologies by presenting to the world a smooth-running, spirited Democracy.'
Dr W.F. Nkomo, member of executive committee of South African Institute of Race Relations speaks out.
Senator Cain of Washington, "I know of no greater investment than to make Moral Re-Armament plays available to every German."
International delegation visits Germany following World War II.
Address to Rotarians by Emissary of Moral Re-Armament.
Propagating the spirit of unselfishness and co-operation in industry and at home.
Unless "we can create something new in race relationships on this continent, all Africa could easily become Mau Mau."
"If this crowd were given the green light to go ahead there is no problem in industry that could not be solved."
Full-time workers Visit City: Touring Union with industrial drama "The Forgotten Factor".
Leading Africans in stage production.
"Dictator's Slippers" presented in Port Elizabeth by students - a play with the power to unite the people and the world.
The play could be dubbed with no worthier name.




South Africa