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Living Peace: renewing vision through sunshine, clay and cake

A group of Creators of Peace women met on a sunny day in Oxford, for a day of ‘refreshment, renewal, reflection and friendship'.

A group of Creators of Peace women met on a sunny Saturday in Oxford, in September 2016, for a day of ‘refreshment, renewal, reflection and friendship’. They wanted to mark the UN International Day of Peace, and feel connected with worldwide peace-making initiatives.

Elements of the day were a silent reflective walk in the local park in warm September sunshine, a peace-creating visioning exercise and fun modelling their older and younger selves in clay, plus a buzz of conversation and good food.

Participants reported that highlights of their day came in healing laughter, cementing old and creating new friendships, a feeling of being re-energised, a rekindling of hope, and the gift of fresh inspiration. One person said, ‘Today has been a transformative process for me. I feel reminded of my own wisdom and ability to laugh, relax and be still.’

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