Visit of "Anything to Declare" cast to Papua New Guinea.
Anything to Declare cast giving performances of ATD, meeting local people; speech (sync) from Paul Lapun. Visuals of Bougainville copper mines and members of cast visiting villages and homes. Outdoor stadium stage for performance preparation. Rorovana people who used to be former enemies watch the film "Freedom" together and come to an agreement that is reported in the press. Visit of the cast to Rabaul on the island of New Britain, where there had been tensions, and are received by Julius Chan, member of the Assembly.
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Année de sortie
Durée du film
Type de film
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Emplacement de l'original
Titulaire du droit d'auteur
Autorisation de publication
L'autorisation de publication fait référence aux droits de FANW de publier l'intégralité du contenu vidéo de ce film sur ce site web.