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Caux meeting, 16 July 1954

Person(s) in this recording
Frank Buchman; Brij Thapar; Tara Bai; Choir; Kenaston Twitchell; Irene Pawley; William jr Pawley; Jack Ely

Frank Buchman, USA, Discussion between Buchman; Ken Twitchell on Canada. MRA made Canada easier to govern; Brij Thapar, India, You have not told me whom to introduce‚...I will introduce Mrs Tara Bai; Tara Bai, India, In charge of a girls college. Came to Caux because of a former student who had been there; Choir, Sing "Take it to the world"; Kenaston Twitchell, USA, America and its need of an ideology; Kenaston Twitchell, USA, Continues; Frank Buchman, USA, Introduces Texas oil director and his siter; Irene Pawley, USA, Came on the 8th of June for 10 days and are still here. America needs a faith. God didn't think nice things about me!; William jr Pawley, USA, the faults of America. On ideology. We have placed our security in money; Jack Ely, USA, her home used for MRA

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Autorisation de publication
L'autorisation de publication fait référence aux droits de la FANW de publier l'enregistrement complet de l'audio de cet article sur ce site web.
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Autorisation de publication
L'autorisation de publication fait référence aux droits de la FANW de publier l'enregistrement complet de l'audio de cet article sur ce site web.