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Sing out Speak out

Report of "Sing Out 65"

The cast and crew of "Sing Out" did a big tour in the US and in Asia (incl. South Korea). The film starts with reporting on the training the members of the cast had during six weeks in the summer of year before (1964?) in Mackinac conference center, producing newspapers, files and plays (some of them directed by Henry Cass, which the film shows directing actors on stage).
Parts of the films include Rajmohan Gandhi speaking in sync and also a speech of J. Blanton Belk, leader of the MRA in America.

Langue du film


Année de sortie
Durée du film
Société de production
MRA / with "Pace Magazine" (as stated in the end credits)
Emplacement de l'original
Autorisation de publication
L'autorisation de publication fait référence aux droits de FANW de publier l'intégralité du contenu vidéo de ce film sur ce site web.
Langue du film


Année de sortie
Durée du film
Société de production
MRA / with "Pace Magazine" (as stated in the end credits)
Emplacement de l'original
Autorisation de publication
L'autorisation de publication fait référence aux droits de FANW de publier l'intégralité du contenu vidéo de ce film sur ce site web.