‘There’s nothing like reading how other parents have solved their family problems to pick up tips for oneself.’ Sunday Telegraph, London
‘The story of how an American couple were able to help their addicted daughter is moving. The chapter on ‘Educating Parents’ is an eye-opener.’ Himmat Weekly, Bombay
‘Are you worried about bringing up your children? Concerned about temper tantrums, moods, stealing, jealousy and so on? Before running off to consult one of the experts you might like to obtain help from reading this book.’ War Cry, London
‘Running through the book is the theme that to listen to God in the still small voice of conscience can be the start of a new life together with your children.’ Catholic Advocate, Melbourne, Australia
Annejet Campbell was born and raised in Holland. She studied fashion in Paris. Her husband was a Canadian doctor. They had two daughters and lived in London.