'It will mean a lot to all who knew them and be a revelation to many who did not.’ Michael D. Henderson, author of The Forgiveness Factor and All Her Paths Are Peace
‘Your husband was a hinge on which the history of Japan changed.’ Telegram from Japanese leaders to 1964 memorial service for Jack Ely
‘If God can change rich people, then I don’t need to shoot them.’ The mayor of Sesto San Giovanni in 1956, speaking to Connie Ely
‘I owe a great deal to your Mother and Father. For three hectic years during World War II I lived with you aIl at '2419' and was wonderfully cared for, kept out of mischief, and met so many interesting people.’ The Honourable AR.K. Mackenzie, formerly of the British Diplomatic Service, writing after Connie’s death, 1991