What was it like to grow up at the MRA conference centre in Caux in the late Fifties and early Sixties? This book by Mary Lean and Elisabeth Peters tells the story of the Caux School and the children of MRA fulltime workers who attended it. Their memories, both joyful and painful, raise enduring questions about the nature of sacrifice, and about the balance between serving the world and caring for one’s own family.
Stories of the Caux School, 1955-65, is published by Caux Books and is available from the Caux bookshop and from 24 Greencoat Place, London SW1P 1RD. Andrew Stallybrass of Caux books writes in its introduction: ‘It is important for movements like IofC to attempt to tell their own history honestly, warts and all, trying to understand the context within which individuals lived and thought and acted, without judging them. This is what Mary Lean and Elisabeth Peters have done in this moving little book.’