
UK IofC Online Shop

The online shop for IofC UK.

This the web shop for IofC UK where you can purchase a number of publications.

Visit https://iofc.org.uk/shop/

Physical copies available in this location

An entertaining, colourful and intimate autobiography
An American's adventures in the Arab-Muslim world
Inner inspiration can help everyone find fulfilment.
A British Ambassador shares his life experience of combining personal principle with public duty.
Kim Beazley was the longest-serving member of the Australian Parliament.
Breaking the chain of hate and the hold of history. Remarkable stories.
Stories of ethics and values in business and industry.
The story of a pioneering MRA theatre tour in Asia.
Offering dramatic evidence of the transformative power of forgiveness
A speech by Professor Rajmohan Gandhi in London, April, 2017..
A history of Initiatives of Change in The Netherlands.
A study, with chapters on Caux and Zimbabwe, detailing MRA/IofC's work and approach.
The true story of a Red Cross nurse at Mons in World War 1.
A treasure trove of stories, written by one of the best writers of the movement.
Silence can change your life and this book explains why and how.
An in-depth look at the life, spirituality, and ideology of Frank Buchman.
Stories of business leaders and ordinary people who have made a difference.
Russian translation of Michael Henderson's book
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