What has people power done for Poland?
この号には 25 件の記事があります
El progreso hacia la curación de un dolor profundo en el alma de Australia.
Det siste året har for meg vært preget av to tilsynelatende motsatte følelser.
A return to the land of his birth to find out what Scotland's new parliament could mean for Scotland and the UK.
Det senaste året har för mig präglats av två till synes motsatta känslor.
El libro reciente sobre conflicto étnico, de Michael Ignatieff
Het afgelopen jaar werd voor mij gekenmerkt door twee schijnbaar tegengestelde emoties.
O último ano foi caracterizado para mim por duas emoções aparentemente opostas.
The Pope believes that the Church's 'culture of remembrance' can save the media culture of transitory news...
L'année écoulée a été caractérisée pour moi par deux émotions apparemment opposées.
Un grupo internacional, experiente en facilitar procesos de cambio en sus sociedades, pasó una semana en Israel y Palestina.
An international group, with experience of facilitating change in their societies, spent a week in Israel and Palestine.
Una conferencia africana sobre cómo combatir la corrupción y llevar la reconciliación a un continente devastado por la guerra ..
An all-African conference on how to combat corruption and bring reconciliation to a war-torn continent...
Martin Henry is a communications consultant and a lecturer in Communication at the University of Technology, Jamaica.
Cardinal Basil Hume, the Archbishop of Westminster, died on 17 June mourned not just by Britain's Roman Catholics...
In 1988 Rob Parsons gave up his job as a lawyer to help bolster Britain's ailing family life. The founder of Care for the Family
Verwoerd is one of the names most associated with apartheid.
The last year has been characterized for me by two apparently opposite emotions.
Das letzte Jahr war für mich von zwei scheinbar gegensätzlichen Gefühlen geprägt.
El último año se ha caracterizado para mí por dos emociones aparentemente opuestas.