
For A Change Magazine: Volume 14 Number 06

'The Cross and the Bodhi Tree', a film about Christian encounters with Buddhism
この号には 9 件の記事があります
For most Americans life has changed since 11 September.
'The Cross and the Bodhi Tree', a film about Christian encounters with Buddhism.
The world's biggest anti-corruption conference takes place in the Czech Republic.
Diana Patricia Pabón-Ramirez, young 'fighter for peace' in Colombia.
Kenya is a beautiful country with rich natural resources but it is rocked by corruption.
If we are not ethical we will have a world in chaos.
Idrees's cousin, who was studying in London, tried to deter me from going to Pakistan...
Memories are the medium in which our past stays alive within us.
Do we have to make the people who come to us for help so unwelcome, asks Mary Lean
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