
For A Change Magazine: Volume 01 Number 02

この号には 9 件の記事があります
The train was stopped by angry villagers who came looking for Sikh passengers.
A kaleidoscope of nationalities, ages and occupations meet at the Swiss Moral Re-Armament conference complex.
Reaction to the latest stringent conditions imposed on Brazil by the International Monetary Fund.
'Any race which oppresses another cannot itself be free.'
South Africa is in a state of deep unrest.
If the statement that hate has a million children needed living proof, Sri Lanka could have provided it.
`If the Japanese win, it is because they have a society that functions,' said one European executive.
'No one comes here except the army-, it's too dangerous,' the driver told his passenger, a tiny but determined woman agricultura
The reflection which brings a change has to come from outside ourselves, from some source of light.
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