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Te Atairangikaahu

The Maori Queen

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Among the 450 people who gathered in Caux in 1997 for a conference on ‘Healing the Past and Forging the Future’ were the Māori Queen, Dame Te Atairangikaahu, and the wife of New Zealand’s prime minister, Joan Bolger, leading a delegation of Māori and Pakeha (non-Māori). They spoke of New Zealand’s progress towards restoring for the wrongs done to Māori people since colonization.

For a biography of the Queen, please see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Te_Atairangikaahu and (in French) https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Te_Atairangikaahu

Ano de Nascimento
Ano de falecimento
New Zealand
País de residência principal
New Zealand
Ano de Nascimento
Ano de falecimento
New Zealand
País de residência principal
New Zealand