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Caux meeting, 05 August 1956

Person(s) in this recording
Frank Buchman; Willy Benedens; Hans Herrig; Mrs Herrig; Paul Campbell

Frank Buchman, USA, History making day; Willy Benedens, D, We among the leaders in the communist party wondered what MRA was. We felt we were strong. But when some of the best people of the party said they were going to Caux; we started worrying. I came to Caux to collect arguments in order to fight MRA in the Ruhr; Hans Herrig, D, Russian revolution was a necessity. But where are we now; Mrs Herrig, D, Probems in the family. I hated people who did not think like me; Willy Benedens, D, A word to the Japanese delegation. We invite them to the Ruhr region; Frank Buchman, USA, Tell us about the man who was shaving; Paul Campbell, CAN, this former MP; John McGovern decided not to go to Italy but to Caux; Frank Buchman, USA, McGovern is going to Australia where there are many problems in the ports

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