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Caux meeting, 16 July 1954

Americans about their change. French industrialist.
Person(s) in this recording
Frank Buchman, Robin Evans, Henri Macaux, Colwell brothers
Stewart Lancaster; Van Wishard; unknown Unidentified Man;

Stewart Lancaster, USA, speaks of how he found change in Caux, and the repercussions this had. Back home, had to take a prayer meeting. His family came for the first time. Went to Germany; spent time in a refugee camp took part in the work of MRA there and in Denmark, Italy; Van Wishard, USA, Was in Korea; Frank Buchman, USA, Talks about Max Bladeck. He went to Japan; unknown Unidentified Man, Japan, What Max did in Japan during 6 months; Colwell brothers, USA, Song "Coconut and peaches"; Robin Evans, UK, introduces Marcel Macaux; Marcel Macaux, France, Industrie en France. Had 2 different compartments in his life. Private life and business life. In life; love and unselfishness is the norm. But in business; not the norm. Unselfishness is out of place. Honesty difficult to apply.

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