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For A Change Magazine: Volume 16 Number 04

The Voters Who Won't Stand for Corruption

Highlights in this issue are the profile of Letlapa Mpahlele, the South African director of operations of the PAC armed wing, who came face to face with the mother of a young victim whose shooting he had ordered. The Lead article tells the story of the Clean Election Campaign in Taiwan and the FAC Essay is about the importance of parenting. In Bookmark Pierre Spoerri reviews a book of Karen Armstrong in a key issue of our age: religious fundamentalism.

These people--often whole families fleeing oppressive regimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and elsewhere--risked every
Um compromisso inabalável com seus ideais levou esse Filho da Terra a áreas das quais a maioria das pessoas se afastaria.
Transparency International is established.
A tourist trap with a message.
Petty vandalism was on the rise in our village, Bradley in Yorkshire.
Een onwrikbare toewijding aan zijn idealen dreef dit kind van de aarde naar gebieden waar de meeste mensen zich van zouden afkeren.
Sein unerschütterliches Engagement für seine Ideale trieb dieses Kind des Bodens in Bereiche, von denen sich die meisten Menschen abwenden würden.
If there were a media Richter scale, the New York Times' Jayson Blair affair might well have set a new shock record.
My attitude to my son changed when I asked my own father for forgiveness.
Ett orubbligt engagemang för sina ideal drev detta markens barn till områden som de flesta människor skulle vända sig bort från.
Et urokkelig engasjement for sine idealer drev dette barnet av jorda inn i områder de fleste ville vende seg bort fra.
Canadian novelist and newspaper columnist David Jenneson was just 18 in August 1967...
Honestly? (En)
UK citizens were 13th on the integrity list of 18 nationalities, with only 58 per cent reckoning to be honest.
disappear into months.
In each period of history, words or expressions have appeared that have stirred, excited and polarized people.
Un compromiso inquebrantable con sus ideales llevó a este ‘Hijo del Suelo’ a adentrarse en terrenos que la mayoría de la gente rechazaría.
Un engagement inébranlable envers ses idéaux a conduit cet enfant du pays dans des domaines dont la plupart des gens se seraient détournés.
What makes a community? Why do some communities feel threatened? Is 'one Wales' possible?
Over the last six years, the Asylum Seekers Centre in Melbourne, Australia, has distributed over A$250,000-worth of aid.
An unswerving commitment to his ideals drove this Child of the Soil into areas most people would turn away from.



