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Caux archives

It is possible, by arrangement, to visit the archives at the Caux conference centre.

It is possible, by arrangement, to visit the Caux conference centre, and consult documents and publications, and in some cases, purchase certain books.

More information available on the Caux website.

Physical copies available in this location

Es sind 705 verfügbar
D’extraits de carnets tenus, jour après jour, durant près de 40 ans, au cours d’une méditation matinale
Eine Pädagogik, die sich auf die Entdeckung des Kindes konzentriert.
L’action du RAM au Congo au moment de l’indépendance.
"Narratives of a recent movement in the spirit of personal religion"
The challenges of living together–communication breakdowns, false expectations, infidelity, going it alone, alcoholism.
'Listen to the children for they have an inner voice.’ Yorkshire Post
Story of the dockers of Brazil in the 1950's
Eine Hommage an Bill Porter, den Gründer des Internationalen Kommunikationsforums
True story of Rio de Janeiro portworkers
Having survived three aircraft crashes Coulter felt God had saved his life.
An American who worked with Buchman for many years tells his story.
Stories of Australians creating change
L’ étonnante aventure d’un fils de banquier genevois, plongé dans le milieu ouvrier.
Filmé peu après l'indépendance du Congo
Various shots of Oxford Group's meetings
Howard's horse drawn coffin leaves Hill Farm
Peter Howard: aufbruch zum modernen menschen
Ort platzieren
Caux, Switzerland
Ort platzieren
Caux, Switzerland