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Caux meeting, 19 July 1954

Frank Buchman asks for everyone's thoughts, preparing a visit by the Queen of Romania.
Person(s) in this recording
Frank Buchman
unknown Unidentified Woman; Marion Anderson; Unidentified man

Frank Buchman, USA, Getting people's thoughts about the visit of Queen Marie of Romania. It seems she did not come in the end; unknown Unidentified Woman, PAK?, what it has meant for her to have her dream fulfilled: coming to Caux. Here there is a real solution for world and family affairs; Marion Anderson, USA, tremendous opportunity. Friend of the Queen; Frank Buchman, USA, tells how the young King had to leave his country; Frank Buchman, USA, continues with Romania; Unidentified man, UK, Deacon in a church; Frank Buchman, USA, leads

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El permiso de publicación se refiere a los derechos de FANW para publicar la grabación de audio completa de este tema en este sitio web.
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Permiso de publicación
El permiso de publicación se refiere a los derechos de FANW para publicar la grabación de audio completa de este tema en este sitio web.