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Caux meeting, 03 August 1954

Frank Buchman leads the meeting. Main speaker Lotty van Beuningen on Africa.

A.R.K. Mackenzie, UK, comments; Lotty Van Beuningen, Neths, priviledged to have travelled in Asia and Africa. The Africans understand immediately what God's thoughts can be. Guidance is obvious for them. Going to Rhdesia; she felt the Duch people should pay for a plane to take the group there; as Holland is also a coloniser. Thought they should have an inter-racial Christmas party . Sent invitations for 200 people. Hard to find a hall as noone wanted to have a party for black and whites. Finally the Jewish Rabbi accepted. Wanted to have turkeys and chickens; But none left in the shops. Found a gruffy farmer. Who would not believe in change. Gave 2 chickens and 2 turkeys. Found another farm where they had turkeys and chickens but had to get them themselves.
Also went to Nigeria; Lotty Van Beuningen, Neths, Continues. Visiting the Emir of Kano; giving the play as well; Peter Howard, UK, When the Nigerians came to negotiate with the English government; they were put up in 2nd and 3d rate hotels, and had decided to go back. On the day of their arrival; the communists and MRA got in touch with each of them. MRA put them up in a very good hotel they stayed and the negociations took place. Frank Buchman, USA, introduces a Lahore student

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