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Voices of Westminster

Assembly for the moral re-armament of the nations, Westminster, London. Clergy from many nations participate. Received by the Lord Mayor of London.

Assembly for the Moral Re-armament of the nations, in Westminster Methodist Central Hall, London. Many Clergy from different countries participate. Messages come from Clergymen around the world. Thousands of participants from around Britain: MPs, Diplomats, the Press, Mayors of 10 London Boroughs. Central Hall was too small, overflow in Church House. The visiting Bishops are invited to lunch by the Lord Mayor of London, at Mansion House. Among the international participants: Bishop Jonzon of Kiruna, Sweden, Bishop Runestam of Karlstad, Sweden, the Dean of Copenhagen, Bishop West of Rangoon, Burma, <a data-entity-substitution="canonical" data-entity-type="node" href="/node/4520">William NKomo</a>, South Africa, Rev. George Daneel, Dutch Reformed Church, South Africa.
Bishop West says:"Whenever the world is in a mess, God sends a prophet. This he has done now with Frank Buchman and MRA.
A choir of 100 sing "Rise up o nations", composed by Jean Sibelius for an MRA play.

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