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For A Change Magazine: Volume 19 Number 1

This issue speaks of 'Beating back the deserts of our world - physically and spiritually'. Highlights include two articles on young mobile communities one in Asia and one in USA, Fighting the corrupt in the Solomon Islands logging industry, following Rajmohan Gandhi on his speaking tour in UK and a guest column by Daleep Mukarji on 'Can we make poverty history?'

The 2000 Sydney Olympics were dubbed 'the collaborative games', because of the way government, labour and management worked toge
About a book charting the change of heart which led to the end of the Soviet Union.
Rajmohan and Usha Gandhi on a speaking tour of Britain.
In the midst of terror and turmoil we witnessed acts of compassion and bravery...
Having laid down his guns, Joseph Wong is working for a corruption-free logging industry in the Solomon Islands.
Elsa Vogel tells Paul Williams why those who have suffered have so much to give.
We will not win the war on terrorism unless we do something to win the war on poverty.
For many, Africa is a place of mystery- a breeding ground for corrupt leadership, autocratic leaders, mismanaged economies.
Actress Julia Varley uses theatre to empower.
Young people are flocking to Asia for leadership training.
Keeping Peace Alive promotes dialogue between teenagers from different backgrounds in Cape Town, South Africa.
Elsa Vogel le dice a Paul Williams por qué los que han sufrido tienen tanto que dar.
Thoughts for a new year.
Will Jenkins travels across the US with an international team of young people.
When I found a year ago that I had a lymphoma, which if untreated was fatal, I was forced to have a big rethink.
Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks' new book is called To Heal a Fractured World (Schocken, 2005).
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