
Caux meeting, 16 July 1954

American families speak of thier country, their personal change and its impact on society.
Person(s) in this recording
フランク・ブッフマン, ダンカン・コーコラン, ハーバート・アレン
Jack Ely; Florence Ely; Albert Ely; Barbara jr Riffe; Barbara Riffe; Chaz ;

Jack Ely, USA, Continues. Born in a rich family. Challenged to live for something else. Apologised to her young daughter for having tried to tempt her away from choosing to become a nurse instead of living an easy life. Quotes US Secretary of State saying: "I belong to a poor countre, because a country which has only money to offer is a poor country." Florence Ely, USA, Has come with the group from India and Ceylon and Pakistan. Learned in these countries to see herself and her country as others see them, and the cost of American materialism. Albert Ely, USA, lawyer from Washington: "Frank said that a true patriot gives his life to bring his country under God, and that is what I want to do." Barbara jr Riffe, USA, Daughter of John Riffe; telling of the chances and the effects on her family and the CIO of which her father is the president; Barbara Riffe, USA, Continues; Chaz , USA, Recalls some of the events with CIO and AFL; Duncan Corcoran, UK, Tells of events in America due to the Riffes change; Frank Buchman, USA, Introduces Colwells and Bill Bauman; Herbie Allen, USA, As I live, so is my nation. Giving money is good; but if we don't give our heart it's nothing. We worked for several years in Italy; training young marxists.

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