
South African archives

The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.


The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

For more information please email Pieter and Meryl Horn.

Physical copies available in this location

Representatives of major South African political parties meet cast of Forgotten Factor.
Every minister will admit that personal testimony has always been an important factor in the effectual preaching of the Gospel.
Speaker of House of Assembly says in Caux that this is the "one place we have come to where we see hope for the future."
The beginning of a solution for 21,000 African families needing homes.
Tom Driberg, M.P.'s book is hostile to the Movement and Dr. Buchman, its founder.
Delegates from four southern African countries attended an 8-day Moral Re-Armament conference on the theme "Which Way Africa?"
Creating the New Society. Can sanity come out of crisis?
Forgotten Factor proves to be well written and interesting entertainment
South African girl to marry millionaire's son.
A small, unassuming man with no claim to fame, Joram Kucherera, may have been responsible for averting a bloody coup in Zimbabwe
A play by Peter Howard and Alan Thornhill
A virtuosic odyssey into one man’s purgatory for redemption from the political sins of his grandfather.
The 'Transvaler' criticizes Moral Re-Armament and Moderator of DRC Northern District Synod, Rev F. E. O'B Geldenhuys.
Dr Herman Malan, Senior Lecturer said, '...this conference is a growing point where a new order in South Africa is being born.'
Jacob Mohlala rendered valuable service to Town Engineer of Springs in securing Native artisans to assist in house-building.
New relationships between black and white on a South African farm.
Present-day data about Moral Re-Armament to be found in a book by Peter Howard, "The World Rebuilt".
New men, new homes, new industry, new nations, and a new world - that is Moral Rearmament.


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