
South African archives

The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.


The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

For more information please email Pieter and Meryl Horn.

Physical copies available in this location

They want God to be restored to His rightful place of leadership of individuals and nations.
We are starting on a new 'trek'
Audience responds to the exhiliarating, positive and infectiously cheerful spirit that Springbok Stempede brings to their music
Ken Jackson interviewed two of the cast of Springbok Stampede, on his popular TV show in Bulawayo, the second largest city.
This happy bunch of youngsters left their audience yelling for more at the end of their two-hour musical presentation.
"With your enthusiasm you cannot fail to be a success here," said Mayor, Clr Jurick Goldwasser.
"We are a platform for the younger generation and what it is offering the future," said drummer, Brian Adams.
The story was so simple, writes F E Douglas.
A speech by Peter Howard in 1963
A family trapped in a divided Czechoslovakia... 'one of the classics of our era'
Caux conference has strong contingent of trades union leaders among 1,200 delegates.
All African film "Freedom" shown in Umtata, Eastern Cape, South Africa
"What I have seen in Zimbabwe has given me hope"
Three British ex-servicemen fly to South Africa in private aircraft to recuperate from injuries sustained during WWII.
Springbok Stampede met with Rhodesian Prime Minister, Mr Ian Smith.
Sixteen of 45-strong cast are of school-going age.


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