The Bodleian Libraries in Oxford form the largest UK university library system.
The Bodleian Libraries form the largest UK university library system, with more than 13 million printed items, 80,000 e-journals and outstanding special collections.
The complete archives of the Oxford Group/MRA/IofC in the UK are housed there as a 'special collection'. You can see a catalogue of some (not all) of what they are holding at this link, or directly as a PDF file.
For more information about the Library and how to gain access, visit the Library's website.
Physical copies available in this location
Artists contend that it is possible to renew society itself.
This newsletter was published by MRA in the UK, from 1948-1951 & 1973-1987.
Offering dramatic evidence of the transformative power of forgiveness
Stories of Australians creating change
Den här sidan saknar för tillfället en sammanfattning
The story of a major Norwegian writer, journalist and resistant to the Nazi occupation.
Rhodesia's transition to Zimbabwe, through the eyes of a privileged actor in the process.
Place type
Place location
Oxford, UK