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About the Website


The Mission of the Foundation is to

a) visualise
the spiritual and moral heritage of Frank N.D Buchman

b) document
the sources from which he sought guidance and inspiration

c) illuminate
how Buchman's friends, colleagues, and the world at the time, viewed him and his work

d) introduce
artists, musicians, authors, craftsmen and others who have been inspired and motivated by this heritage, including the choices they have made in life.

e) make available
music, pictures, films, texts etc. in order to clarify, explain and deepen the above

f) receive and pass on gifts
for the above.

Articles of the Foundation

From the capital (3 148 000 SEK  received from the association Kultur för Livet (registration number 802411-6926) in 2013,  750 000 SEK shall be invested so that the administrative costs that fall on the foundation in the future will be ensured. The capital shall be placed so that it does not counter the spirit of the mission of the foundation.

Apart from the above, all other resources should be used for the purpose and not be invested long term.

The board

The board must consists of three to eleven members, elected by the board. Their term of office is ten years. A person can be re-elected after ten years.

The board choses the chair person. The board can also call on others to fulfill specific tasks.

The board shall make decisions by consensus, with the whole board present in physical or electronic form. Alternatively a board member can let the chairperson know in writing her or his decision in the matter raised.

A new member of the board shall

- have read the books Remaking the world (R1), Streams (R2) and Frank Buchman - a life (R3) as well as having taken note of (R4). If more reference material has been added, this should also be included in these compulsory criteria.

- in at least 250 words express his or her personal relationship to this material, which will be included in the minutes. (Which are not public)

- indicate a personal faith in God - the Creator, without the requirement of a formal allegiance to any particular  church.

Lundby Gård, Odensala, Stockholm county Sept 7, 2013
Ann-Kristin Särnbrink, Nils-Erik Särnbrink, Eva Måsén Duckert, Sylvie Söderlund, Gunnar SöderlundMonica Pettersson

Reference material

R1 The book Remaking the world - speeches by Frank Buchman

R2 The book Streams by Mark O. Guldseth

R3 The book Frank Buchman - a life by Garth Lean

R4 The Oxford Group, Group Revivalism and the churches in Northern Europe 1930-1945 with Special reference to Scandinavia and Germany by Professor Anders Jarlert.

The board may not add new reference material in order to clarify points a, b and c without permission of The county administrative board of Stockholm. (Länsstyrelsen i Stockholms län)


Two members of the board can together sign for the foundation. Person outside the board can be elected to have the right of signature. This person can sign for the foundation together with one member of the board.


A standardised, per hour,  financial remuneration will be used for person, who in some capacity, contributes to the work of the foundation.

If the person is a specialist with set tariffs, these will apply.

The board members may be remunerated in the same way. Additional costs like travel will be repaid in full. The remuneration is calculated on what the person will receive net in hand having paid necessary taxes and VAT.

A person residing outside Sweden will receive net what she or he would have recieved if living in Sweden. As basis the year 2013 is used and the sum of 125 SEK net or equivalent/ hour.

This sum will follow the consumerprice index in Sweden.

Person wanting to support the foundation may suggest reduced or no remuneration for herself or himself.

Force majeure

If the foundation for some reason needs to cease its work and existence, the material  and immaterial posessions shall  be transferred to an institution or the like that will keep this and make it available to people doing research as well as the public. Decision on which institution will be taken in consultation with the county administrative board of Stockholm.(Länsstyrelsen i Stockholms län)

Further to the members of the board

A person on the board may not be a member of, or publicly sympathise with an organisation or point of view that is in contradiction to the United Nations (UN) charter of human rights.

Differences of opinion within the board shall primarily be solved internally. If this is not possible, three people are called who have the trust of all concerned. Issues that cannot be solved this way will be referred to

The county administrative board of Stockholm.(Länsstyrelsen i Stockholms län)

Financing the Journey

In September 2013, the association Kultur för Livet (Renewal Arts Sweden) decided to put their capital into creating the foundation “For a new world”.

The money had been a gift to the association after the sale in 2001 of Alnäs, the MRA home in Stockholm. Part of the capital was used over the following years for the various actions of Kultur för Livet.

The remaining 3 148 000 SEK  was invested securely in a way that was not contrary to the spirit of the purpose, but at a low interest.

Since 2013 some of this capital has been used to launch the project of the internet platform “For a new world”. The majority of the work has been done by volunteers. We have noted and calculate that at the beginning of the full version, at least 20 000 volunteer hours have been given.

The capital is relatively small compared to the size of the task, and will therefore be reduced annually, unless people who believe in the project would like to help with financial gifts.

Simplified accounts in Swedish crowns (SEK)

(SEK 100 000 ≈ EUR 9 000. Click here for the current exchange rate)

If the balance is negative, it simply means we have used that sum from our capital, in addition to the income of that same year. 

  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Incomes, gifts 123 212 314 232 589 721 561 301 555 091 21 065 0
Incomes, other: interest 430 22 615 52 282 49 840 49 840 57 400 57 400
Costs, platform projects  -597 655 -363 221 - 380 616 - 665 380 - 312 374 - 154 825 0
Costs, other external -185 945 -242 525 - 174 602 - 141 333 - 147 142 - 158 386 - 139 333
Balance for the year -660 388 -291 514 85 785 - 195 572 145 415 - 234 746 - 81 933
Capital, per Dec 31 1 904 519 2 636 073 2 859 056 2 746 821 2 989 621 2 881 355 3 028 653

This capital is placed in Ekobanken, which is 100% transparent and all the projects that receive loans are listed publicly.  A prospective project has to meet stringent requirement as regards ecological, societal and cultural aspects.  Though there is hardly any interest on the money we have there, we know that every SEK is used with the needs of people in focus, rather than profit.

By December 10, 2024 we have in hand a total of:

2024 Dec.10 1 622 606 131 912 137 552


Detailed accounts

Click on the links for each year to download the detailed and audited accounts as PDF
  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Detailed accounts 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Donor list

(r) = regular gifts

Donor name(s) Donor comment(s) Donor country
Rosmarie Lilliehöök.        (r)   Sweden
Gunnar Söderlund In memory of Sigrid Hallén Sweden
Oliver Williams In memory of Dell and Hugh Williams UK
Gunnar Söderlund         (r) In memory of John and Ruth Söderlund Sweden
Peter Vickers   UK
Ellie Vickers   UK
The Oxford Group (IofC UK)   UK
Jean and Peter Everington   UK
Frieda Thaler In memory of Helga Landmark Italy
Frieda Thaler In memory of Rita Karrer Italy
Folker and Monica Mittag   Germany
IofC - Sverige   Sweden
Rob and Betsy Lancaster   USA
Leif Söderlund             (r)   Sweden
Vreni Gautschi   Switzerland
Foundation for a moral and spiritual renewal   Sweden
John Ruffin   USA
Eckbos legater c/o Initiatives of Change - Norway Norway
Vitalie Cracan   Romania
Ted Colwell   USA
Finn Harald Wetterfors  in memory of G and I Wieselgren Sweden
Alison Dodds   UK
Marjory Wise   UK

Board of the foundation

To see who is currently on the board, please visit this page.

About the website

Click here to read more about the Website project